Wednesday, February 16, 2011

And In This Corner...

Connor Noda.

Oh, hello there. Welcome to my humble abode on our website. I built this home away from home with my own imaginary blood, sweat and tears. So, would you like to have a look around? I’ve been gaming pretty much all my life and tend to like most types of games, from complex RPGs, MMOs and RTSs, to your run of the mill stabby murdery games.

I grew up playing multiplayer games for the N64, such as Mario Kart, Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies, I almost never played single player classics like Super Mario. I believe that this led me to be the big fan of multiplayer games that I am today. I’d happily drop a single player game (so long as I can save at whatever obnoxiously inconvenient time I’m at) to go play some shooty games with my friends. However, to properly impress me, a game cannot simply have a good storyline and 16 million people playing it, it has to feel natural. I should be able to pick up the game, and within 10 minutes understand the basic layout of the commands and controls. Which is why, as of this writing, Modern Warfare 2, a game that has been largely cast aside by the community, is still my all time favorite game.

While I like nothing more than to sit and play video games for hours on end, I also like discussing and reviewing them. And so I will be doing this for you, although mostly games multiplayer and replayability aspects. I hope you enjoy my writings and our podcasts.


  1. Let's discuss World of Tanks as an example of MMO design.

  2. I believe that WoT is mislabeled as an MMO. MMOs typically have persistent worlds. WoT certainly does not have a persistent world, as it uses round bases matchmaking for it's games. It's really closer to CoD and other FPS than an MMO. Even in that view, however, that is for a future article.
