Monday, February 21, 2011

And Now, By Popular Demand....

Jamie Hogan.

Like everyone else on the Sheet 10 staff, I have been playing video games for my entire life, and I intend on continuing for the rest of it. From the earliest days of playing games like “Lemmings” on the computer, I have been obsessed.

To me, games are more than a form of entertainment; they are a part of me. They mean more to me than any other art form. (Yes, I said art form) A book has never given you an adrenaline rush, and you have never yelled at a painting. You have never watched a movie for fourteen hours straight; yet, these are all things I do regularly with video games.

Every time I was on the bus with my lacrosse team, while everyone else had their iPods playing death metal or heavy rap, I was blasting the Halo soundtrack, and any apprehension I was feeling about the game to come instantly melted into cold, calculated confidence.

Unlike most of the other members of the staff, I play most of my games on a console, so it will be my job to bring you the news and reviews of every Xbox 360 and PS3 game I can get my hands on. Maybe a Wii title or two as well if there is no way to avoid it.

I play almost any type of game: FPS, RTS, RPG, racing, fighting, you name it. However, shooters are where my true passion lies. I know I seem like the cliché Xbox Live player who will go into a seizure if nothing explodes for ten whole seconds, but I like to think that I’m a bit more sophisticated than that. My favorite games of all time are hands down the Halo series, not just for the multiplayer (though I have spent countless hours playing it) but the whole story and feel of the game. The music, the characters, the plot; to me it comes together in a way no other game has. Not to say I am completely immune to the rage that comes with Xbox live; I still spend most of my time yelling at my TV when I play online.

To me, a good game does not have to be the one with the most hype, or the best graphics; it is the one I enjoy the most playing. Whether it is something I picked up from the bargain bin at Gamestop, found at a swap meet, played in-browser online or looked forward to for two years, a good game is a good game, and I will try my best to make sure you, my loyal readers, only get the best.

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