
Given this week's two big name demo releases (Shogun 2 which you can read about below, and Dragon Age 2), we at Sheet 10 decided to try mixing things up a bit by covering our impressions of the Dragon Age 2 demo with our first ever Quickcast. Our aim with Quickcasts is to provide more malleable bite size chunks of audio (and hopefully one day visual) content for those of our readers who don't have the time to listen to our more long form podcasts. As such we've cut down the number of speakers in any given Quickcast to two and will focus on a single topic in depth. And since Dragon Age 2 is a quickly arriving new release, we figured covering the demo was as good a topic as any. So without further ado, Sheet 10 Quickcast Episode 1:

You can grab the demo here: http://dragonage.bioware.com/info/demo/

Or on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/47900/

Episode 1: Metagames, How Do They Work?

After a week's worth of writing and preparation, we're finally ready for our official launch of Sheet 10.  To celebrate we've recorded and uploaded our first episode in an ongoing series of podcasts (which you can expect to find every Friday).  In this cast we discuss the week's news in gaming, touching on the recent Bulletstorm incident, the rising prices of PC games, the brilliant Dead Island trailer, Dragon Age's new live-action web series, and much more.  Later in the podcast we shift gears into our focus discussion on the leveling metagame in recent competitive mutliplayer shooters.  And we wrap it up with a quick brief on what you can expect from us in the following week!  So start listening!

Sheet 10 Episode 1: Metagames, How Do They Work?