Connor R. is a die-hard World of Warcraft player, and after logging over six thousand and thirty-eight hours in Azeroth there are not many people with more experience than him. I decided to interview him this week for Sheet 10 in order to give those who have never played WOW insight into why it has twelve million subscribers, and to those that have, a different player’s insight into the current issues of the game.
1. How long have you been playing WoW? How often do you play?
I have been playing for the last (pause) I started in the 8th grade. So about 6 years, almost since
the game came out I play whenever I have free time... and I have a lot of free time. So that usually equates to about everyday.
the game came out I play whenever I have free time... and I have a lot of free time. So that usually equates to about everyday.
2. What made you start playing?
I was hanging out at my friends house and he said, “You should check out this game.” So I made a character on his account. After making the character, an orc hunter, I thought it was one of the most amazing thing ever. I bought the game a day or two later, and I’ve been playing ever since.
3. What keeps you playing?
The developing content they keep coming out with, the game itself is fun, and the fact that there’s really never a time with nothing to do. I mean there’s PVE (Player vs. Environment) and PVP (Player vs. Player), but also all the small things to screw around with, like the professions and stuff.
4. What class/race/faction do you play most? What is your favorite alt?
I play a Dwarf Hunter (Alliance) the most, and the alt... well I have a lot of alts. My second most played is a human paladin, but I have many others, like a Goblin Deathknight, Worgen Warrior, et cetera.
5. What server do you play on? And why did you choose that server?
I play on the PVP server Korgath, I started there because my friends brother played on that server and I wanted to play on a server with friends. Fun fact, Korgath is the only server that is a typo, they name all their servers after something in-game, but there is nothing called Korgath. There is a Kargath, and subsequently a server named Kargath, but nothing called Korgath.
6. What is your favorite part of the game? PVP or PVE?
It sorta depends on what I’m doing, if I’m by myself, or in a small group, I would rather play PVP, because I want to win and I want people to feel bad about themselves when they lose... and I roflpatty all over their face. Kinda like why people play shooters or something. But if I’m with more of my friends I like to do more PVE combat, like a dungeon, working together to take on a challenge.
7. Do you think leveling or end-game is more fun?
Leveling has its perks, but the fact that Blizzard completely tailors its content for end-game, makes that more fun.
8. What do you think is the best/most fun class, and why? What is the worst.
My favorite class is the hunter because, I don't know how to put this... I take people to “kitesville” and watch them rage... that’s the only way i know how to describe it. And warlocks are the worst, I mean I love playing against them, cause I kick their ass, but their just... DOTs (Damage Over Time) and fears (moves that make you lose control of your character) are super annoying.
9. Is wow better now than when it was first released? If so what was your favorite expansion?
WoW when it was first released, was fun, and that’s why people played it, but there was some problems, like class balance, and it was impossible to get gear without an insane time commitment. Now i think those problems have been fixed. Expansions have brought ups and downs, but I think WoW in its current state is the best its ever been. Cataclysm gave WoW the biggest content update they’ve ever had. In the previous expansions they added complacency to the content, making it easy and after the first time going through it, boring. But with Cataclysm, they brought back the necessity of skill and coordination in dungeons, and I love that.
10. If you could change one thing about WoW what would it be?
...Warlocks (chuckle) No its, nothing Blizzarrd could change, I would change the elitist douche-bags who think they’re better than you. They think because their pixels have higher numbers than yours, they they can treat you like trash.... Unless they’re worse than me, those noobs need to learn their place.
11. Do you think the in-game economic inflation is a problem?
No, I personally don’t think so, but I’m not one to use the auction house very much.
12. What other games do you play? And how often do you play them compared to WoW?
I play games like Team Fortress 2, Starcraft, and Mass Effect, to name a few, but the frequency in which i play them varies. It just kinda depends on how I’m feeling. I’ll go for weeks maybe a month without playing WoW, and play other games every day, and there’s time where I’ll only play WoW.
13. Why do you think WoW is better than other MMOs?
I don’t know if its better... well no, it is. It has a huge player base that no other MMO has, and the the lore and story keep me interested. And besides a few MMOs all other MMOs are trying to be like WoW anyway.
14. What, in your mind, would make an MMO better than WoW?
To make an MMO better than WoW it would need something new and innovative, not just try and make another WoW. Personally, I’d rather play a more futuristic setting, Warcraft has kinda clinched the market on the high fantasy setting. Not to purposely keep it in Blizzard territory, but a Starcraft MMO would be amazing!
15. What was the first game remember playing?
Legend of Zelda on the Gameboy, and like everyone else of our generation, POKEMON $!@# YEAH! Then I moved onto computer games like Age of Empires, and Red Alert 2.
16. Aside from WoW what your favorite video game?
Team Fortress 2, it’s just a really fun balanced shooter. Simple but awesome, and because its a class based shooter, you are kinda forced to work together with your team.
17. What game are you most looking forward to this year?
Pshhhhh... I don’t really look forward to games, I don’t even really know what is coming out this year... Unless that game is made by Blizzard, then I care... Except Diablo... meh
18. What is your favorite game of all time?
Dungeons and Dragons... ‘nuff said.
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